Everyone stares at the stars: psalm 8

Everyone stares at the stars,
Trying to decipher their meaning from afar.

I like to look at the stars at night,
Even if their brightness is dimmed by our modern lights.

I know we share a kinship,
Those shinning orbs and all of us,
We're all made of the same dust.

We've used some of that dust to make modern toys,
Which blind us from our dearest human joys.

So when we meet, you and I,
I'll try, I promise, to look into your eyes,
And wonder who you really are.


Photo by Hannah Nelson from Pexels


כי אראה שמיך....וכוכבים אשר כוננתה. מה אנוש כי תזכרנו (תהילים ח:ד–ה)
When I look to the heavens...and the stars You formed. What is man that you remember him? (Psalms 8:4-5)