my history is a history of misery: psalm 7

My history is a history of misery,

Filled with nameless, faceless, mysteries.

How I wish the Pharos, Führers,

Sycophants and sociopaths

Could come to my house,

And sit on the front steps,

And watch my daughter, with her bright eyes,

And sun dancing off her hair,

Blow bubbles.

And watch, the wobbly rainbows

Float, and listen to her symphonies of giggles

As they pop on the ground.

Seeing her, I know they’d hold no malice.

They’d stop chanting, “Jews will not replace us.”

And instead, we’d share a beer,

Swap stories,

And part as friends.

Destroy my enemies O Lord.

Let me forgive them.


Photo by John Cahil Rom from Pexels


הושיעני מכל–רדפי והצילני (תהילים: ז:ב)
Deliver me from all my pursuers and save me. (Psalms 7:2)