i created a perfect world: psalm 29

I created a perfect world,
I created you, perfectly imperfect,
And turned my eyes to you,
Praying you'd preserve it.

Yet here I sit,
Master of the Universe,
Powerless to make you change your ways,
Unwilling to break the ancient parable.

With my head in my hands, I cry,
Hoping, praying, pleading,
For a new light to shine.

"The Garden of Earthly Delights" by Hieronymus Bosch. Public domain.

ה׳ לַמַּבּוּל יָשָׁב (תהילים כט:י)
God sat at the flood (Psalms 29:10).

The ancient parable is a term used to describe the Torah. According to tradition, God "looked into the Torah and created the world. "