children never see: psalm 2

Children never see
the big picture.
Just the immediacy of "Hear me now!"

I know their anger.
Know it well.
The constant decisions and indecisions.

"Am I loved?"
"Am I loved?"
That rages under ever conversation.

What can I say to placate them?
"I love you! I love you all!"

But the facts and figures don't always
Fall to this one or that one's favor.
The perception just lends agitation.

And I know, one day, one day soon,
With God's grace, they too
Will find themselves in my place.

And I laugh.


Photo by Allan Mas from Pexels

למה רגשו גוים... בני אתה אני היום ילדתיך (תהלים ב:א,ז)
Why do the nations assemble... you are my son, today I gave birth to you. (Psalms 2:1,7)