do you picture god sitting on his throne: psalm 11

Do you picture God sitting on His throne
In a room all alone,
Peering down on all of us?
Looking out for the righteous?

Well, God shows compassion to whom He shows compassion.

So you might find yourself disappointed
With the celestial slot machine disbursement.

But consider this in your time of need:
Every creed and deed you do to honor the One Above,
Makes His seat of power shine a little brighter.


Photo by Element5 Digital from Pexels


ה׳ בשמים כסאו...ה׳ צדיק יבחן (תהילים יא:ד,ה)
God's throne is in heaven... God seeks out the righteous. (Psalms 11:4,5)

I revisited the idea of this Psalm based on Esther 4:14 and Exodus 33:19.