god is sleeping: psalm 44

God is sleeping
And has been for some 2,00 years.

All this time, your
Crying, screaming, begging, pleadings,
Asking for reprieve from this kingdom or that enemy,
Has been falling on deaf ears.

Have you asked yourself why
The big guy in the sky said goodbye?

It's to teach a simple lesson:
The goal of life isn't politics.
It's poetry.
It's not about dominion.
It's about agency.

Let go of your memories, your indignities, your grievances,
and ask yourself:
How does it feel to carry this hate in my heart?
Does it lessen as the days and decades go by?

With the power of that question,
Embrace your present future.

Wake up why do You sleep? (Psalms 44:23)

Photo by Marko Zirdum from Pexels

The verse in Deuteronomy 31:18 states, "I will surely hide my face on that day." This punishment basically exposes the Jewish people to the natural forces of war and vengeance. The Jews deserve this because they did not serve God with "joy and gladness" when blessed with plenty.

This poem is an attempt to explain why God has hidden His face, or in the words of the psalmist, "Why do you sleep?" Perhaps the Jews were unable to serve God when they had everything because the they couldn't appreciate their current situation. Every little frustration in life became a reason to be upset. So God, in His wisdom, decides to gives us more reasons to be upset so we can learn, and practice, forgiveness.

And when I call God, "the big guy in the sky", I don't mean disrespect. I'm just mocking the attitude of people who serve God and expect favors in return. As if the Almighty was some Queen Bee that if we simply fawn over Him enough, He'll give invite us to His birthday and give us some party favors.